Releasetober Initiative
After months of planning, the Western Province Bronzie have decided to pilot a brand new project for the greater good of conservation. Sponsored by Rapala and Fuji who have given them the latest of their product ranges to show their valued support towards sustaining our beloved sport for a long time to come.
The Releasetober consept was spured by the growing pressure placed on our inshore fish stocks taking a pounding of late by many contributing factors. The guys from Western Province Bronzies identified this and brain stormed this brilliant initiative to showcase a new global challenge in terms of releasing fish for the entire month of October, this being the Movember of the fishing fraternity, classed as RELEASETOBER!
RAPALA and Fuji immediately saw the value of this program and have thus offered them some of their very latest developments to offer up as reward for the releasetober initiative to the value of R60000 plus. Anyone is welcome to participate in this FREE initiative by simply registering HERE
See the link for all the rules of this competition by clicking on this link